It’s very common for adults to experience changes in the quality and duration of their sleep as they get older. Luckily, there are many simple ways that seniors can improve their sleep. Here are some of the most common adjustments you can make to have better sleep.

Create a Sleep Schedule

Sleeping habits become better when there is a regulated routine in place. Designating a set time to wake up in the morning and go to bed at night and sticking with it will help to retrain your body and allow you to stick to that schedule.

Take Shorter Naps

It is perfectly fine for a senior to nap during the day. However, to avoid having sleeping issues, they should be shorter and earlier in the day. Try limiting it to one hour or less, and napping before 3 p.m.

Decrease Caffeine Consumption

According to The Sleep Foundation, Caffeine has been know to cause sleep disturbance, especially if consumed after lunchtime. If you like to have coffee during the late afternoon or early evening, try switching to decaf to improve your sleep.

Limit Liquid Intake Before Bed

Avoid drinking water or any other liquid within the hour and a half before bedtime to limit how often you wake up to use the bathroom at night. This allows for less interrupted night’s sleep and better rest overall.


Physical activity such as walking or dancing for seniors improves sleep quality and increases sleep duration. Exercise may also help sleep in other ways, because it reduces stress and tires you out, ultimately helping you sleep through the night.

Develop a Bedtime Routine

Find activities that help you relax before bed. Many older people enjoy taking a bath or reading before bed to wind down, reduce stress and relax before turning the lights out for bed.

If you are still having trouble sleeping, it is important that you talk to your doctor about it. They will be able to give you specific tips suited to you, your symptoms and your needs. As always, if you have any questions about living at Sharmar Village, our floorplans or our care, please contact us!

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