30 Jun 21

Residents and Family Members,


The Delta variant has become the topic of conversation within the health department.  They are closely monitoring rates of positives related to this variant and when a predetermined level is reached (unknown what level they have established), they impose enhanced infection control practices.  This can include requirements such as all visitations must be scheduled, increased unvaccinated staff and all resident surveillance testing weekly, testing requirements for unvaccinated staff daily, and increased requirements for eye protection.  Currently, we are not under any of these requirements—I’m sharing for information only should we be directed.  At present, the health department is implementing these practices as necessary on a county-by-county basis regardless of any positives in a facility.  Reviewing the data on the Colorado COVID data webpage, Pueblo County has the vast majority of positive infections identified as the Alpha variant (400) while minimal for the Delta variant (10).  For the week of 6/20, the state reported 74% of the positives were of the Delta variant.  El Paso County currently is under the enhanced practices with the latest report of 237 positives identified as the Delta variant and 2,152 Alpha variant positives.  Continued best practice compliance (masking when necessary, hand hygiene, avoiding large groups when able, etc) is our most effective means to keep this at bay and avoid the additional procedures.


Active outbreaks have reduced to 18 (20 last week) still active in the community with 3 of those being in health facilities/entities (0 new in the last week).  The last identified outbreak was on 6/14 and at a school.  Positives for Jun are 199 while the rolling average for positive results for individuals tested in the last 7 days, decreased from to 2.7% from 2.2%.  Parkview Hospital hospitalizations related to COVID is currently 17 cases while St Mary Corwin has 0 COVID cases in their care.  Parkview reported occupancy at 176 while St Mary Corwin is reporting 40 for occupancy.  This leaves 69 available beds between the hospitals.


This letter is provided electronically either through email or our website.  We do mail a copy the first week a new admit joins us if no email has been provided to share the information how to receive future copies via the website.  If you are not receiving by email and would like to do so, let us know your address.  Please contact the facilities with your questions.



Keith Jackson

Keith Jackson

Executive Director

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