2 Jun 21

Residents and Family Members,


Colorado Health Department has issued updated guidance that will be fully explained to facilities today during the recurring calls.  We need some clarification on areas that conflict within the guidance but expect the direction will be dependent on your vaccination status.  Therefore, I am requesting you to provide copies of your vaccine information to the facility to be able to participate in the changes that are coming within the next week.  Significant changes to visitation have been proposed by the state and is dependent on being fully vaccinated in order to participate.  As currently provided, no changes are proposed for those visitors who are not fully vaccinated.  As a reminder, CDC guidelines define fully vaccinated as two weeks post the final shot of the vaccine series.  This information is sent to those who have provided an email address.  If you have additional family members who visit but are not in receipt of this letter, please share the information to provide copies vaccination information.  Until vaccination information is provided to the facility, visitors will be considered to be unvaccinated.


Again, our direction from the state is our environment requires continued wearing of masks.  While it may not always be comfortable and impacts communication during visits, masks are still to be worn at all times.   This continues to be an issue for some of our visits.  I will honor your wish to not wear the mask, but if you are at the facility, I will continue to direct the staff to enforce our direction from the state.  If you choose to not comply, we will ask you to leave.  Feel free to share your displeasure with this requirement with the Governor’s office to request change for those who prefer to visit without a mask.  Until then, please wear your mask and assist us with reminding your loved one to wear the mask during visits as well.


Active outbreaks have reduced to 33 (41 last week) still active in the community with 11 of those being in health facilities/entities (2 new in the last week).  Positives for May are 952 while the rolling average for positive results for individuals tested in the last 7 days decreased from 9.5% to 8.9%.   Parkview Hospital decreased hospitalizations related to COVID with 23 cases while St Mary Corwin has 2 COVID cases in their care.  Parkview reported occupancy at 209 while St Mary Corwin is reporting 20 for occupancy.  This leaves 56 available beds between the hospitals.


This letter is provided electronically either through email or our website.  We do mail a copy the first week a new admit joins us if no email has been provided to share the information how to receive future copies via the website.  If you are not receiving by email and would like to do so, let us know your address.  Please contact the facilities with your questions.



Keith Jackson

Keith Jackson

Executive Director

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