Mother’s Day is just around the corner and while we are unable to meet everyone’s desire for an in-person visit in the facility, I would like to again remind you with the new vaccination rules you are always welcome to take your loved one out of the facility for a visit. Keep in mind that if you loved one is not vaccinated, they will have to quarantine on return. However, for those who are fully vaccinated, quarantine is not required unless you believe the resident has been exposed during the outing. The only requirement is to follow the COVID dial guidelines which are now set by individual counties during the outing. Please let us know if you would like to schedule a visit with your loved one for a day trip. Contact our visit schedulers so we may ensure your loved one is ready to go when you would like to depart.

Also, please be aware as the weather continues to improve that on days where the temperature will support an outdoor visit, this will be the manner of the visitation. Our state guidance is such that outdoor visits are preferred to indoor visits due to increased space and air flow. I appreciate your understanding if upon arrival you are informed the visits will occur outdoors.

Current CDC visitation guidance related to visitation concerning testing and vaccination suggests facilities may also encourage visitors to be tested on their own prior to coming to the facility (e.g., within 2–3 days). Similarly, the CDC encourages visitors to become vaccinated when they have the opportunity. We do not require either testing or vaccination as a condition of visitation per CDC direction but certainly do encourage both.

Active outbreaks have increased and are at 39 (38 last week) still active in the community with 8 of those being in health facilities/entities (3 in the last week). Positives through yesterday are 1322 which is more than double the positives for all of March, and the rolling average for positive results for individuals tested in the last 7 days increased to 19.5%. Parkview Hospital increased hospitalizations related to COVID with 41 cases as of yesterday while St Mary Corwin has 2 COVID cases in their care. Parkview reported occupancy at 210 while St Mary Corwin is reporting 22 for occupancy. This leaves 53 available beds between the hospitals.

This letter is provided electronically either through email or our website. We do mail a copy the first week a new admit joins us if no email has been provided to share the information how to receive future copies via the website. If you are not receiving by email and would like to do so, let us know your address. Please contact the facilities with your questions.


Keith Jackson

Executive Director

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