Pet visitation guidance was recently updated. With pre-notice, pets may accompany a visitor for a visit with a single resident. Guidance indicates pets can aid in the transmission of COVID-19 and therefore the pet must be kept away from other staff and residents during the visit (inside or outside). Our normal practices for pet visitation are in effect regarding control of pet while in facility and current vaccinations provided for file at the facility. When scheduling your visit, just let us know if you will have a pet in attendance.

Looking at data provided by the county regarding vaccinations, very positive results are occurring. Review of positive cases for ages 85+, through Dec 2020 this group averaged 58 people per month. From Jan-Mar 21, the average has dropped to 15 per month as the vaccinations were rolled out in our settings and the county targeted the older residents in the community. We are still working to develop a plan for on-going vaccinations for our residents as the federal program has ended for our settings. Recently, contact with a county official has resulted in the start of a plan and we continue to work with our pharmacy to determine if we will be able to take over the program in house in same fashion as the flu vaccine is provided.

Active outbreaks are at 18 (22 last week) still active in the community with 1 of those being in health facilities/entities. Positives through yesterday are 167, however the rolling average for positive results for individuals tested in the last 7 days increased again to 12.9%. The community continues the increase in daily positives over the last few days with two days in the last week of over 40 new positive cases. Parkview Hospital increased hospitalizations related to COVID with 26 cases as of yesterday while St Mary Corwin has 0 COVID cases in their care. Parkview reported occupancy at 198 while St Mary Corwin is reporting 23 for occupancy. This leaves 64 available beds between the hospitals.

As a reminder, this letter is provided electronically either through email or our website. We do mail a copy the first week a new admit joins us if no email has been provided to share the information how to receive future copies via the website. If you are not receiving by email and would like to do so, let us know your address. Please contact the facilities with your questions and I appreciate your patience with our return calls to address your concerns or questions.


Keith Jackson

Executive Director

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