15 Sep 21

Residents and Family Members,


A couple of weeks ago I mentioned the State Health Department implemented an emergency rule requiring vaccination in our settings.  Now they are working through the process to make the rule permanent and have requested feedback from facilities.  Initial feedback is as you would expect from current reports through media agencies the push is to allow those who want to exercise the right to make their own decision to be able to do so.  Unsure where this will go but expect to see it continue as a mandate.


Active outbreaks have increased to 16 active in the community with one of those being in health facilities/entities.  Of the 6 new outbreaks, 5 were identified in schools.  Daily positives have been trending up since the beginning of the month and 280 positives have been reported through 8 Sep while the rolling average for positive results for individuals tested in the last 7 days dropped to 5.3% from 8% according to the county report.  Parkview Hospital hospitalizations related to COVID is currently 41 cases while St Mary Corwin has 3 COVID case in their care.  Parkview reported occupancy at 215 while St Mary Corwin is reporting 53 for occupancy.  This leaves 17 available beds between the hospitals.


Reviewing CDC COVID data for Pueblo County, cases have dropped almost 4% in the last week with a decrease in deaths of 16.5%.  Positivity has shown a minimal increase with testing decreasing by 6.5%.  Hospitalizations have decreased by 16.5% however beds in use increased by 2% with ICU bed usage increasing 1.7%.  Last month our medical director informed us that Parkview would not hold beds for COVID patients only but continue to provide broad support for the community; therefore, the increase in bed usage is not tied directly to COVID patients only.  Vaccinations for all county residents remains relatively unchanged at 51.1% of residents with one does and 46.2% fully vaccinated.


This letter is provided electronically either through email or our website.  We do mail a copy the first week a new admit joins us if no email has been provided to share the information how to receive future copies via the website.  If you are not receiving by email and would like to do so, let us know your address.  Please contact the facilities with your questions.



Keith Jackson

Keith Jackson

Executive Director

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